Simeon Perkins died at Liverpool, Nova Scotia, 9 May 1812. A beautiful monument was erected at his grave, located behind the present Zion United church, Main Street, Liverpool, NS, as a tribute by the Queens County Historical Society. His home, occupied by many over the years since 1812, is now the Queens County Museum – next door is the Thomas H. Raddall Research Centre, well known to family researchers.
We are indebted to Robert Ford Kirkpatrick, Lt.Col., USAF (Ret’d) for the original ‘EXTRACTS’ prepared before 20 August 1983 while at his Milton, Nova Scotia summer home. Original entries have been marked with **. – Muriel M. Farquhar Davidson.
* * * * * ORIGINAL: The National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario ISBN No. 1-896033-00-8
Copies: Brampton Public Reference Library (Chinguacousy Branch), Brampton, Ontario
Queens County Museum, Thomas H. Raddall Research Centre, P.O. Box 1078, Liverpool, Nova Scotia B0T 1K0
South Shore Genealogical Society, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Halton-Peel Genealogical Society, Brampton, Ontario
Shelburne Genealogical Society, Shelburne, Nova Scotia
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Genealogical Society of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Liverpool, Nova Scotia was built by sea-going vessels, plying to and fro to many parts of the world. There have been dangers for many of these vessels, from the time of Simeon Perkins to the present day. A brief list of various schooners, brigs and others follows:
1. ACTIVE …………… 49 | 28. MARY …………….. 11 |
2. ALEXANDER ………… 46 | 29. MARGERY ………….. 48 |
3. ANN …………… 18/19 | 30. MARY & FRANCIS ……. 33 |
4. ATALANTA …………. 12 | 31. MELLONE ………….. 40 |
5. AURORA …………… 27 | 32. MINERVA ………….. 21 |
6. BETSEY ………. 8/23/31 | 33. NANCY ……………. 14 |
7. BLACK SNAKE ……. 33/39 | 34. NATASHKWEN ….. 35/36/56 |
8. BRISK ……………. 28 | 35. NYMPH ……………. 42 |
9. BRITTANIA………. 53/54 | 36. PACKET …………. 1/58 |
10. CHARLES MARY WENTWORTH………. 34 | 37. PARKER …………… 49 |
11. CONSOLATION ……. 53/57 | 38. PILGRIM ………….. 32 |
12. DOLPHIN ……….. 12/19 | 39. POLLY …………. 31/53 |
13. ELIZA ……………. 47 | 40. HMS PREVOYANTE ……. 33 |
14. FABIUS …………… 37 | 41. REGULATOR ………… 35 |
15. FRIENDSHIP ……….. 25 | 42. RESOLUTION ……….. 10 |
16. GOOD FORTUNE … 23/31/36 | 43. ROVER ……………. 55 |
17. GREY HOUND ……….. 32 | 44. ROYAL GEORGE ……… 3 |
18. HARLEQUIN ………… 47 | 45. SOPHIA …………… 25 |
19. HOPE ………….. 28/47 | 46. SPEEDWELL ……… 47/54 |
20. HUSSAR …………… 25 | 47. SPRINGBANK ……….. 21 |
21. INDUSTRY …………. 14 | 48. SPRINGBIRD ……….. 18 |
22. JOLLY FISHERMAN …… 2 | 49. TRITON …………… 45 |
23. LADY WENTWORTH ……. 18 | 50. TRUSTY ………… 42/43 |
24. LARK …………….. 53 | 51. UNION ……………. 25 |
25. LIBERTY ………….. 4 | 52. UNITE ……………. 40 |
26. LILY …………….. 40 | 53. VICTORY ………….. 34 |
27. LYLLY ……………. 49 | 54. VIPER ……………. 10 |
The Township of Liverpool and surrounding areas, including Port Joli, Port L’Hebert, Township of Guysborough (Port Mouton), Dean’s Landing (now Bristol, part of Liverpool), depended on travel by sea. The road connecting Liverpool and Shelburne, through Beech Hill Farms, was not started until about 1785.
At the present time, 1993, Liverpool has ships in for refitting as there were during World War II.
Three names made famous in shipping history are the Packet, Rover and Markland, plus the many merchant marine vessels.
There are many more various types of shipping connected with the history of Liverpool, Nova Scotia – we are proud of our history!
L I V E R P O O L S U R N A M E S 1 7 5 9 – 1 9 9 3
Throughout the pages of The Diary of Simeon Perkins there are many family surnames familiar to us in 1993 in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Not all the surnames have been included – many “old” names either moved away, descendants have died, no sons to carry on the names or other reason. Some names are listed on many pages, e.g. Collins, Doggett so the Surname Indexing will not be complete due to space.
ARNOLD ….. 35 | FRASER …20/23 | MORE …….. 21 |
ATWOOD …. 5/8 | FREEMAN …++ | MORTON .. 8/19 |
BALL ……. 17 | FRELICK …. 35 | MULHALL …54 |
BANGS …… 20 | GARDINER … 33 | MURRAY …… 10 |
BARSS … 14/15 | GARDNER . 20/30 | NICKERSON . ++ |
BARTLETT … 27 | GODFREY …. ++ | O’NEIL …… 55 |
BISHOP ….. 49 | GORHAM .16/23 | PAGE …….. 11 |
BOWER …… 39 | HARLOW 6/14/39 | PARKER ..19/23 |
BRIGGS ….. 27 | HARDING 1/11/32 | PATTERSON … 27 |
BROWN …… 45 | HARRINGTON . 4 | PAYZANT ….. 37 |
CAMPBELL . 28 | HOLLAND …. 56 | PEACH ……. 44 |
CARDER ….. 24 | HOPKINS …. 37 | PERKINS ….. ++ |
CLARK …… 31 | HOWARD ….. 12 | PUTNAM … ++ |
COBB …… 5/6 | HUPMAN ….. 56 | RIDLEY …… 56 |
COHOON ….. 17 | HUSKINS …. ++ | ROBERTSON . 17 |
COLE ……. 2 | JONES …… 24 | ROBINSON …57 |
COLLINS …. ++ | KEMPTON .. 11 | SMITH ……. ++ |
CONNELLY . 29 | KNOWLES ..10/20 | SNOW …….. ++ |
COOK ……. 29 | LESLIE ….. 21 | SPEARWATER .. 36 |
CROWELL …. 23 | McADAM ….. 35 | SPINNEY ….. 11 |
CUMMINS …. 41 | McCLEARN … ++ | STUART …… ++ |
DAVIS …… 24 | McDONALD 18/25 | STEWART ….. ++ |
DEAN ……. ++ | McGOWAN …. 56 | SWAIN ……. 31 |
DeWOLFE …. 57 | McINTOSH … 37 | THOMAS … 25 |
DEXTER ….. ++ | McKAY …… 4 | TUPPER … ++ |
DOANE …… ++ | McLEAN…… 37 | VERGE .. 7/10 |
DODGE …… 2 | McLEOD ….. 25 | WALLACE .. 57 |
DOGGETT …. ++ | McQUEEN ..18 | WATERMAN 9/16 |
DOLLIVER … ++ | MACK …… 9/14 | WATERS … 49 |
DREW ……. ++ | MANTHORNE . 2 | WEST ….. ++ |
DUNLOP ….. 58 | MANNING … 39 | WHARTON .. 57 |
FISHER ….. 28 | MINARD …… 2 | WHITE …. 18 |
FITZGERALD 54 | MILLARD ….. 40 | YOUNG .. 5/24 |
FORD ……. ++ | MITCHELL .4/23 | . |
++ = more than one page
“Lost” Names
(Ref: Newspaper & Telephone Book)
Prominent names in Liverpool through the ages include: DOGGETT, MORE,
The following excerpt is taken from Public Archives of Nova Scotia, vol. 359, doc. 37. Province of Nova Scotia Ss.
…Greetings, ..John Doggett, Elisha Freeman & Sam’l Doggett & Thom Foster in behalf of themselves, and other Persons herein after named…Application .. Township .. I Charles Lawrence Esquire Captain & Governor in Chief (description follows) … .said Tract of Land containing … One hundred thousand Acres more or less .. Name of the Township of Liverpool in the said Province. …One hundred & Sixty Four Shares … to John Doggett, Elisha Freeman, Arthur Perry, Stephen Samson, Nathaniel Terry, John Atwood, John Kimton, John Nelson, Benj. Churchel, Thomas Foster jun., Elias Trask, Caleb Stutson, Benjamin Bartlet, Nathaniel Dunham, Nathaniel Foster, Jabez Cobb, Thomas Bourn, Joseph Patten, Isaac Thomas, Obediah Abel(?), Simon Crosby, Nathaniel Balets(?), Each one Share and an half. Samuel Doggett, John Terry, Jonathan Dimon, John Rust, Seth Barns, Thomas Terry, Zacheus Churchel, Lemuel Dove, Nehemiah Ripley, Abiel Shurthd, Jonathan Churchel, Zacheus Curtis, John Wall, Joseph Trask, John Stephenson, Jabez Gorham, Jonah Whiteman, Nathaniel Shurtlif, Ebenezer Doggett, Josiah Bradford, Elisha Stutson, Ebenezer Soul, Nicholas Davis, Thomas Barrow, Seth Barrow, Benjamin Rider, Ephraim Washbourn, David Mose, George Haftham, John Goodering, Ebenezer Tinkham, Robert Slocomb, Barachiah Bassett, Samuel Swift, Thomas Smith jun., Silus Briggs, Benjamin Coll, Jethro Allen, Josiah Ashley jun., Thomas Adkins, Moses Swift, Malatiah Nye, Sealed Landers, Israel Tupper, Experiance Holms, John Smith, Elisha Hammond, John Hopkins, Samuel Jabez, Elkanah Morton jun., Peleg Dexter, Joseph Godfree, David Hatch, Thomas Ashley, William Wist, Noah Burden, Jedediah Hammond, Henry Young, John Adkins, William Burden, William Ashley, Simon Freeman, Benjamin Hamond, Nathan Tupper, John Peach, Zacheus Burge, Josiah Swift, Benjamin Leigh, John Butler, William Devereux, Elisha Kenney, John Tapley, Benjamin Present, Gilbert Tapley, John Wernssteed, Peter Present, William Sewel, Thomas Kenney, Nathaniel Tibbets, Joshua Titcomb, Thomas Gould, William Puttam, James Fullington, John Mathewes, Jonathan Darling, Jeremiah Mahew, Daniel Fletcher, Jabez Snow, Joshua Snow, Nathaniel Horton, Benjam. Freeman, William Stewart, Nathan Mahew, Seth Mahew, Hilyard Mahew, Jeremiah Mahew jun., Jesse Doane, John Magee, Jonas Allen, Nathaniel Robens, Nathan Wheeler, Francis Falkner, Stephen Law, Joseph Barker, Joseph Robens, Abiel Abbott, Thomas Hamilton, David Stimpson, David Fletcher, Daniel Lock, Samuel Jones, Simon Hunt, Levi Morrill, John Hoar, Timothy Hoar, Somersby Moody, Silvanus Cobb, Joseph Crosley, Jabez Nevers, Aaron Hinkley Each one Share. Benjamin Bartlett jun., Theodore Ford, Timothy Berbanks jun., Silvanus Cook, Joshua Brimhall, Jeremy Holms, Richard Kimball, James Holms, John Austin, Nehemiah Riply jun., Elisha Freeman jun., Caleb Perry, Zachariah Perry, Ebenezer Ellis, Barnabas Freeman, Joseph Dexter, Ephraim Swift, Seth Swift, John Gallond, Rowland Hammond, John Mathews jun., John Dunton Each half a Share.
[Grant, Township of Liverpool, Districts of Port Seigneur, John Doggett, Elisha Freeman &c]
[Spelling as in original]
It has been noted that in 1972 Col. R. F. Kirkpatrick published an abbreviated version of this diary in three episodes in the local paper under the heading: Queen’s County Historical Society”. In his first chapter he added a few words of explanation that may well be reprinted here as more explanation of the diary.
Credits and Acknowledgements as Given
Muriel M.Farquhar Davidson
I am researching family names “MANN” and “COVE”
Hoping I can find info for my trees. Just found your site- great work ..will be back. Thank you for the efforts.
The original copies of Perkins diaries were donated to the Town of Liverpool in 1899 and are now held by the Queens County Museum in Liverpool.